It's 2022 My Friends - Have You Created Your Core Values Yet?

Have you created your Core Values yet?

If you are not sure what Core Values are they are simply programs and beliefs that are dictating/running your day to day life.

These belief systems are either restraining or progressing your Ascension. 

Today I invite you to do a critical analysis on what your Core Values are.

You'd be surprised which ones are currently running on auotpilot that you don't even realize!

Do you think life is always happening against you?

Do you feel like you are destined for a life of dissapointment and victimhood?

Do you feel you are a failure?

These are all programs a.k.a. Core Values that are active right now in your current reality...

These kind of programs are like viruses to your spirit.

Here's how you remove them..

You create new programs and belief systems that SERVE YOU.

I am going to share with you today my personal Core Values I swear and live by on a daily basis in hopes to aid you when creating your own :)

My top 5 Core Values/Recommendations which have helped me tremendously on my ascension Journey:

  • Self-Loyalty- I always follow through on the promises I make to myself & to others. I always do what I said I was going to do. I always keep my word. This is a CV that is running 24/7. Self-Loyalty is a form of self-love & self-discipline.

  • Teachable- I am always a student of life before a teacher. I am always coachable. I have a high willingness to learn & a high willingness to accept change. I will sacrifice & release all that is needed to achieve my desired outcome. What are you willing to sacrifice for your dream? What are you willing to change about yourself for your dream? What are you willing to give up? What are you willing to learn to become the highest version of yourself? Ask yourself... Are you teachable? Can you be led? Can you put your ego aside & just learn the knowledge/skillsets necessary to be absolute best in your field? Only you can decide. You have to have a high willingness to learn & a high willingness to accept change to create the life you always wanted.

  • Accountability- You have to hold yourself accountable for all that happens in your life. The good & the bad. It’s all on you. Without taking full responsibility for everything that occurs in your life... you will find yourself slowly, but surely drifting into the victim’s mentality. You are the one who dictates the speed of your growth. Ask yourself... Do you hold yourself accountable for the actions & where you’re currently at in life right now? All that has happened up to this point. You created it. The universe is not reacting to you... It is simply responding to you. If you’re in a situation where you’re unhappy, know that you have all the power to change it. Remember... It’s not the conditions you’re are in that dictate your decisions... But rather it’s your decisions that have dictated your conditions. Fix your thinking & you will fix your problems.

  • Relentless- When it comes to your dreams/goals you have to be relentless. You should always be giving it your all in everything you do. There’s no such thing as a glass half-full. It’s full or it’s empty. It’s all or nothing. If you half-ass your goals/dream... You will get half-ass results. You should always be going all in! Ask yourself... Are you truly giving it everything you have? Don’t lie to yourself. If you have more to give, then give. Show up, commit, & advance every day. Every is day 1. Everyday you’re creating your future. Everyday you’re making power moves. Everyday you’re are progressing in your life in one form or another. This... is what you call an obsession & having a burning for the achievement of anything you desire in life.

  • Results- You should always be getting results. Results are how you analyze where you’re going & if you’re winning in life. It’s your score card. Every goal you accomplish is a direct result of progression. Ask yourself... What have I accomplished so far? Am I getting results? Am I moving forward in my life or am I digressing? Allow your goals to scare you. Dream big with no limitations.  

These 5 CVs alone will you take you to new levels in every area of your life.

Now that you have precise examples on CV's that serve you, 

I challenge you to create 10 of your own and embody them through repetition of action everyday or often as possible.

You will never be the same if you do, I promise you.

Speak soon!

Sincerely hope this helped you buddy,


Your Friend,



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