The Shift Has Begun!

The energy of April is coming with an explosiveness like never before!


You might already be feeling or swimming in the energy of it... 

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • The "Old" you trying to re-emerge into your new reality.

  • Past negative Emotions and habits that came before your awakening are coming to the surface yet again "One Last Time" to be brought to your awareness for you to finally release them.  

  • Perhaps feelings of not being enough are beginning to creep up.. and because of that you feel the need to have to "prove to yourself" you are enough. 

  • Old friends are coming back into your reality, but because of all the shadow work you've been doing up to this moment.. you can vividly and almost effortlessly notice how they used to (or maybe even currently do) incluence your actions whether it was/is in a positive or negative way. This will also be a great opportunity for you to heal perhaps forgotten trauma still lurking in your energy field. 

April’s energy is going to shake you up my friend!

But that's ok..


You will now have a whole new level of awareness around all your blockages and patterns that are CLEARLY halting your ascension.

It is as if you have wiped the fog off your glasses.

This new awareness is going to help you once and for all decide.. you are DONE holding onto the habits of your lower-self.

NOW is where you have to make the choice..

Are you going continue to allow who you "used" to be to still come in time to time and dictate who you are now?


Will you finally say.. enough is enough, I am fed up with my old ways!

Will you finally keep your word and COMMIT to the changes necessary to become in alignment with the highest divine timeline of who you truly are?

It is time you step into your innate power. 

It is time you stop holding yourself back from what you could be.

Do you really feel the need to continue to self-sabotage and repeat the cycles you have already extracted the lessons from over and over again?

How much longer will you continue to block yourself from your greatness?

Make the adjustments and let go of all which is causing havoc, chaos, or stasis on your spiritual awakening journey.

You do that..

And watch how your reality DRASTICALLY improves.

I'll leave you today with one of my favorite quotes,

"If you want your life to change, things in your life have to change."

 In the case of this month’s energy...

"If you want your life to change, let go of all that is limiting or halting you from ascending."

Hope this helps buddy :)

We'll speak soon,


Your Friend,



It's 2022 My Friends - Have You Created Your Core Values Yet?