Do You believe Everyday Can Be The Best Day of Your Life? (I do & here’s why)...

Think about it...

What if everyday was?

& believing so doesn’t mean you won’t heal trauma or experience negative emotions in your day to day life.. it simply means you will acknowledge all that you feel and still choose an positive emotion to feel afterwards.

It simply means to be ok with what you feel for the moment, but choosing a higher frequency emotion succeeding the processing of what you were being asked to feel.

While you are here - Allow yourself to shift to your highest perspective & timeline in every situation.


By asking questions such as:

  • How can I make this serve me?

  • What is this emotion trying to teach me?

  • What is the root of this thought?

  • Is this 3D energy still worth holding onto?

When you do so you begin to create focus around your current blocks.

And focus creates solutions my friend.

Not only are you creating focus, but you are simultaneously shedding awareness to the root of your trauma.

Every “negative“ thought you feed into... disables you from being fully present and choosing a positive state.

What we tend to forget is negative thinking usually originates from either past trauma, limiting beliefs, or simply just negative thinking patterns.

Be aware of “why” you think, act, & feel how you do.

You will then and only then be able to have clarity on where it all stems from.

You see…

First you fix your thinking & then you fix your problems.

Divine Love,

Your friend,



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