When Did Being You Become So Difficult?

You’ve been in the trenches of life & felt every emotion known to exist…

Yet why is it so challenging to love who you are now?

You’ve taken steps towards paths you were uncertain of... and still walked

You’ve held yourself in the darkest moments of your life... and still continued to have hope.

Maybe your childhood was rough - You were alone when you wish you weren’t.

Maybe you didn’t receive the love from your parents that you so desperately wanted.

All you have experienced since childhood is what you are currently healing.

It is not yourself that you struggle to love - It is your “past” that you struggle to forgive.

Everything you feel is wrong with you… is your spirit showing you your shadows that need your love & healing - You are not broken.

Once you Focus on those shadows (trauma) & realize that it’s just who you “used to be”...

You will realize that forgiveness, self-love, & letting go of the experiences that caused so much hurt are the answers you have been seeking.

I invite you to give yourself the unconditional love, care, appreciation, gratitude & nurture that a mother gives her newborn.

When you do,

You will comprehend the true innate Love that has been within you... that you were desperately searching for... this whole time.

Sincerely hope this helped you my friend!

Question nothing & trust every moment.


Your Friend,



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